Rene BrentCertified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Instructor of Hypnotherapy
Prof Richard FerreroCentre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Dr Nikki FrescosPodiatrist, Austin Health;Research Development Lead,
Faculty of Pain Medicine, ANZCA
Prof Amit GefenDepartment of BiomedicalEngineering, Tel Aviv University;Berman Chair, Vascular Bioengineering
Dr Emily HaeslerAdjunct Professor, Curtin University;Adjunct Associate Professor,
La Trobe University
Dr Tim HughesPrincipal Research Scientist and Research Team Leader, CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship
John McKennaEmpowerment advocate and active inclusion advisor
Prof Neil PillerDirector, Lymphoedema ClinicalResearch Unit, Flinders University
Prof Debie TurnerDiscipline Lead Program for Podiatry, Queensland University of Technology
Dot WeirCo-Chair, Symposium on Advanced Wound Care USA; Secretary, International Wound Infection Institute
Jack YeungClinical Lead - Orthotics, Northern Health