To view the AWSA Summer School 2025 presentations please click on the links below:
Session 1 – OPENING
- Terry Swanson, Nurse Practitioner Wound Management, AWSA Board Chair
- Professor Keryln Carville, FWA Professor of Primary Health Care and Community Nursing at Silver Chain Group and Curtin University
- Dot Weir, Co-Chair, Symposium on Advanced Wound Care USA; Secretary, International Wound Infection
Session 2 - INFLAMMATION vs INFECTION: Wound climate change
- Jan Rice AM, Wound consultant, AWSA Board
- Professor Richard Ferrero, Deputy Centre Head for the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, Research Group Head of the Gastrointestinal Infection and Inflammation Research Group in the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases.
- Dr Tim Hughes, Principal Research Scientist and Research Team Leader, CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship
- Professor Amit Gefen, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Tel Aviv University; Berman Chair, Vascular Bioengineering, pre-recorded presentation
- Dot Weir, Co-Chair, Symposium on Advanced Wound Care USA; Secretary, International Wound Infection
- Kate Hillier, Podiatrist, Albury Wodonga Health & Northeast Health Wangaratta
Session 3 - INVESTIGATIONS and DIAGNOSING: How accurate are they in different populations?
- Dr Kwee Chin Liew, Clinical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases physician, Australian Clinical Labs
- Terry Swanson, Nurse Practitioner Wound management, AWSA Board
Session 4 - PALLIATIVE WOUNDS AND CARE: Do we know what it is and how to do it well?
- Professor Keryln Carville, FWA Professor of Primary Health Care and Community Nursing at Silver Chain Group and Curtin University
- Dot Weir, Co-Chair, Symposium on Advanced Wound Care USA; Secretary, International Wound Infection Institute
- Cathy Young, Occupational Therapist, Odyssey Consulting, Senior Clinician Royal Melbourne Hospital
Session 6 - PSYCHOLOGY OF WOUND HEALING AND CARE: The mind and body connection and how it influences today as well as tomorrow
- Rene Brent, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Instructor of Hypnotherapy, Orlando Florida
- Dr Nikki Frescos, Podiatrist, Austin Health and Northern Health, AWSA Board
Session 7 - HIGH RISK FOOT: Beyond just the DFU
Session 8 - DERMATOLOGY: New, old, off label and emerging trends for treatment
- Dr Matthew Howard, Specialist dermatologist, Geelong, Melbourne and a fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists.
- Jaymie Hughan, Podiatrist, Northern Health
Session 9 - VASCULAR ASSESSMENT and the controversies
Session 10 - CHRONIC OEDEMA: More than just fluid
- Jan Rice AM, Wound Consultant, AWSA Board
- Professor Neill Piller, Director, Lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit, Flinders University
- Maree O’Connor, Lymphoedema physiotherapist
- Dr Ramin Shayan, Plastic Surgeon, Brighton Plastic Surgery
- Diane Housiaux, Wound CNC, Holmesglen Private Hospital
Session 11 - SUMMATION AND CLOSE - AWSA for the Future