The Call for Abstract is now closed. For further information, please contact 

Be brave in 2023 - submit an abstract for the opportunity to share your work, ideas, research and collaborations at the 2023 conference.

It is not essential to be a member of AMaGA to submit a proposal. AMaGA encourages proposals that are innovative, timely and represent new thinking. All proposed speakers must be prepared to attend should their proposal be accepted. 

AMaGA is committed to equitable and diverse representation for our conference, and we ask you to ensure that proposals reflect appropriate cultural, gender and ability diversity. The Program Committee will prioritise sessions that reflect this. Should a proposal be about a First Nations or Indigenous cultural topic or project, a representative of the community concerned must be part of the speaker team. If no such speaker is available, the speakers proposed must demonstrate that they have the endorsement of the community’s Elders and/or Leaders to present on their behalf. 

We regularly get more than double the proposals that we have room for, and you may be asked to work with Program Committee to shape the final session if it is accepted. You might be asked to merge your session with another speaker or change the length of delivery.

Certain sessions are being curated by the Program Committee and you may be approached for inclusion in a specific session type.

Before submitting your abstract, please:

  • Familiarise yourself with the conference themes and presentation types (listed below)
  • Prepare a 200-word abstract and 50-word presentation takeaway and save in an easily accessible place. Your abstract submission will be completed via a text box only, so we recommend you have your abstract content ready to 'copy and paste' into the portal
  • Create an account in the abstract portal, and follow the instructions to submit your abstract. Abstracts can be saved as DRAFT, but must be finalised in order to be assessed for inclusion in the program
  • The same account may be used to submit multiple abstract submissions. 

Conference themes:

2023's theme of Discomfort. Brave conversations and new connections in changing environments will highlight challenges within the sector, whilst celebrating how these are being addressed and the creation of new opportunities. Presenters will be asked to demonstrate how their submission is relevant to one/all of the below themes:

Conversations. How we work

  • Who is having brave conversations about our museums and their legacy as part of the cultural machinery of colonialism?
  • What methods can we use to speak truth, empowering multiple communities to curate their own stories and experiences?
  • Who doesn’t feel comfortable in our spaces and why, what dialogues are generating actions to make institutions safe and inclusive (for both the public and staff) and how do we give our audiences a voice?
  • What elements of our sector are absent from the national conversations around our industry and what can be done to encourage their involvement whilst amplifying their voices? 

Environments. Where we work

  • What are we doing to protect collections and institutions from our changing environments (natural, built, civic, community or cultural) and what projects are minimising our sector's environmental impact as the climate emergency worsens?
  • How are digital environments complementing, challenging and changing our physical spaces?
  • What does it mean to create positive, safe, and sustainable working environments for GLAM sector workers and volunteers?

Resources. What we work with

  • What are large, well-funded institutions learning from smaller ones?
  • Which projects, driven by regional institutions, demonstrate innovation and change?
  • How do we set ethical standards around corporate donations and funding? Do these standards impact large and small institutions in different ways?
  • How do we navigate expectations around flux, including in our collections, staffing, programs, and visitation in a world of finite space, resources and financial support? 

Presentation types:

As AMaGA 2023 is being run as a hybrid event, please remember to ensure that your session will work online and in person. Some session types will only work face-to-face (like practical workshops) so there will be limitations on the number of these delivered.

TypeTime allocatedDetails
National Network session90mins inc Q&A
National Networks are encouraged to submit a proposal for a full session. The session can be fully curated, or leverage the call for abstract submissions for relevant presentations. The format is fully up to the network to decide. 
Formal panel90mins inc Q&AThree or more presenters speak in turn with a chair introducing the session and taking questions from delegates. You will need to include the details of all speakers and may suggest a chair. 
In conversation45min inc Q&AOne or two presenters discuss an idea or theme with a chair leading the discussion. You will need to include the details of all speakers and may suggest a chair. 
Interactive workshop60-90mins inc Q&AFollowing an introduction by one or more speakers, facilitators help delegates to work together to share experiences and ideas. In-person only format. Round-table format.
'In Practice' presentation30mins inc Q&AWe are looking for practical, insightful and case study-led content. In Practice sessions are an opportunity for researchers, museum/gallery practitioners, community members to showcase recent projects, findings or outcomes, and lead discussion in a specific area of expertise. Sessions are theatre-style.
Offsite visit90mins inc transportOffsite tour, inspection or experience at an institution/venue in the Newcastle region. Information regarding maximum number of participants, transport required, and any associated potential costs will be discussed in addition to the abstract submission.
Lightning presentation5mins (4mins presentation, 1min Q&A), max 4 slidesFast-paced presentation showcasing how you have identified and responded to the conference themes within your museum or gallery space (no more than 4 slides). This is an opportunity to introduce your challenges and successes to peers with a view to further discussion opportunities throughout the conference.
Critique couch5min pitch + 10min critique. Networking/discussion at the end of the session5min pitch + 10min critique followed by networking/discussion. Pitch an idea to the conference's industry expert panel in front of an audience. 5min pitch may include AV presentation and/or demonstration, tools, collateral. 10min panel critique will include constructive feedback from the panel to further flesh out your idea.
Demonstration15min inc Q&AAn opportunity for developers, project leaders and consultants to showcase their latest website, app, software or other technical development. 

Abstract selection:

Abstracts will be assessed by the conference Program Committee using the following criteria:

  • Appeal
  • Clarity of purpose
  • Clarity of writing
  • The extent to which the proposal engages/entertains/encourages audience participation
  • Originality
  • Relevance to the sector
  • Relevance to the theme overall theme, Discomfort. Brave conversations and new connections in changing environments, and sub-themes, Conversations. How we work, Environments. Where we work, and Resources. What we work with.
The final program will be determined by fluid approach with the primary goal of delivering a valuable and engaging experience for delegates and speakers alike. The Program Committee will use its discretion to consider issues such audience appeal, mix of content and balancing informal vs deeper content.

If your abstract is accepted, all presenters/authors agree to register and pay the Early Bird Registration price (closing 31 January 2023).

Abstract submission closes Sunday 30 October 2022.

How to submit your abstract:

  1. Prepare a 200-word abstract and save in an easily accessible place. Your abstract submission will be completed via a text box only, so we recommend you have your abstract content ready to 'copy and paste' into the portal. Your 200-word abstract should cover:
    • The content of the session
    • Key issues explored
    • Who should attend the session and why
  2. Prepare an additional 50-word presentation takeaway, explaining the key points delegates will take away from your session
  3. Click SUBMIT ABSTRACT at the top of this page and create an account in the abstract portal. Note, you will need to create a new account for the 2023 conference (your 2022 conference account is no longer active)
  4. Follow further instructions in the portal to complete your abstract submission
  5. You will receive a confirmation email once your abstract is submitted for review
  6. Abstracts may be saved as Draft, to be finished at a later date, but it must be finalised in order to be considered in the review
  7. You may submit more than one abstract all under the same account.


  • Online submission is the only method of abstract submission
  • Submissions can be saved as Draft in the abstract portal but must be finalised to be considered
  • Abstracts submitted for presentation will be published exactly as received and should be checked for spelling and grammar prior to submission
  • You may submit more than one abstract all under the same account
  • Abstracts will only be accepted as 200-word text format abstracts. We recommend writing your abstract in Word and saving to your desktop prior to starting the submission process, then 'copy and paste' the abstract content into the relevant section of the abstract
  • All presentations should be primarily in English. If English is not the first language of speakers/projects please provide details on how you will provide access for delegates (i.e., translator, subtitles…). If you need assistance with this, please contact the Program Committee
  • We are encouraging speakers to attend in person but can accommodate virtual speakers in advance. Certain sessions are in person only and will not be available virtually (including Interactive Workshops and offsite visits)
  • It is the responsibility of the presenter/author to ensure that the abstract is submitted correctly. For assistance with submissions, contact
  • It is the responsibility of the presenter/author to ensure their abstract explains how it relates to the themes 
  • Where there is more than one presenter all correspondence will be sent to the person who submitted the abstract
  • Every effort will be made to accommodate the presenter/author presentation preference however the Program Committee reserves the right to allocate the presentation to best suit the program
  • The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Conference. Similarly, no presenter fee is paid to successful presenters
  • If your abstract is accepted, all speakers agree to register and pay the Early Bird Registration price (closing 31 January 2023). Bursary applications will be available for submission directly to AMaGA. Further information will be released shortly.

Hot tips for a successful proposal:

  • You clearly state how the session will be presented, not just the content
  • The session highlights something new, innovative and thought provoking
  • The format encourages discussion and active participation amongst delegates
  • Your speakers are engaging, informative and confident. 
