David Kellermann

David Kellermann is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW. 

David's research areas include Continuum Mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Advanced Composite Materials, Forming Analysis, Fibre Kinematics, Biomechanics, Orthotropic and Hyperelastic Material Modelling, Finite Deformation, Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, Buckling
and Stability.

Selena Bartlett

Professor Bartlett is a neuroscientist and has dedicated the last 30 years to studying the brain. She is a Professor of Neuroscience at Queensland University of Technology and won the Lawrie Austin Award for her contributions to Neuroscience from the Australian Neuroscience Society.  She was the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award and the Biotech Research Award and was an Ambassador for the Women in Technology organisation. She has written 110 scientific papers, is the Founder of the Thriving Minds podcast, three books for the public to raise awareness about the brain health and to make neuroscience neuroplasticity actionable. And speaks to the public about the role of neuroscience and neuroplasticity to improve our daily lives. 

She presented a TEDx talk about the brain fitness and neuroplasticity revolution underway and is the co-founder and developer of digital brain health solutions focussed on neuroplasticity for brain health. 

Julian Critchlow

Julian Critchlow is the General Manager, Australia & New Zealand at Extreme Networks. He has over two decades of esperience within the IT industry, ten of those years as a consultant in the data networking space. Julian is driven by a passion for technology; he strives to deliver the best possible solutions and outcomes for Extreme's customers and partners.


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