Sasja Sÿdek

Lead Peer Worker, Transfemme

Sasja Sÿdek, an indigenous Singaporean woman of color, takes immense pride in her identity as a trans woman. She plays a significant role as the lead peer worker in the Transfemme project, specifically catering to the needs of trans women belonging to racial minority groups. Sasja's deep passion lies in putting an end to the violence that trans women face from men. She is also a co-founder of both Trans Sisters United and Trans Pride March Melbourne. Sasja has made significant contributions to the book "Nothing To Hide - Voices of Trans & Gender Diverse of Australia". Additionally, she hosts her own television show called "Trans Fabulous" on Channel 31 and fulfils the roles of a radio host and producer at Queering The Air on 3CR. Sasja's unrelenting advocacy for transgender rights stems from her unwavering dedication to promoting equality and human rights.

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