Tim O’Brien is the author of
A HANDBOOK OF WORKPLACE MENTAL HEALTH (Second Edition - 2023), the only comprehensive Australian workplace guide for employers, managers and team leaders wishing to create and maintain mentally healthy, productive and energetic workplaces.
Widely accepted, having sold in the tens of thousands to unions, Australian corporates and Government departments, this HANDBOOK (in its first edition, second edition now in print) is used by Worksafe Victoria (Geelong) for its internal staff training.
Tim also authored
The Little Blue Book of MENTAL HEALTH – Covid Edition (2020) to assist workers deal with the challenges of lockdown and isolation and to assist employers managing the mental health and engagement of workers when working in isolation. This publication too has sold in the tens of thousands.
Tim O’Brien is a trained educator, former TAFE Department Head, specialist course writer (to post-graduate level), journalist, magazine editor and former IR and industry professional (having risen to senior executive level of a major Victorian NGO employer group). He is also a powerful speaker with an ability to ‘capture’ a room, his stagecraft skills learned as a young musician and children’s TV presenter.