Liam O'Brien was re-elected as Assistant Secretary at the ACTU Congress in July 2021.
Before joining the ACTU Liam was the Victorian Assistant Secretary and National Vice-President of the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU). It was there where he fought for the rights of workers across the diverse range of industries that the AWU represents. As a national official he led the AWU’s work in the aluminium, aviation, glass and construction sectors.
As ACTU Assistant Secretary Liam is responsible for leading the movements policy, industrial and campaigning work on work health and safety and workers’ compensation matters. Liam is passionate about the rights of all workers to have safe, healthy and decent work, and is a member of Safe Work Australia (SWA) and the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council (ASEC).
Liam is also responsible for the skills and VET portfolio at the ACTU, and is a member of the Jobs and Skills Australia Consultative Forum.He also holds a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics, with a major in Economics.
He is the proud father of two kids and lives in Melbourne’s west.