Leonie Stanfield
National Careers Projects Manager, National Apprentice Employment Network

Leonie Stanfield is an experienced career counsellor, coach and trainer, who developed and delivered the Today’s Skills: Tomorrow’s Leaders program in her role as NAEN National Communications Manager. Beginning with a 3 day pilot program in 2004, Leonie then collaborated with employee engagement specialist, Ian Hutchinson, from 2005-2016 to expand and refine the 5 day program. Of the more than 260 participants completing the program, many have taken on ambassadorial roles for the group training network, assisting their GTOs, state and national associations and the Commonwealth Government. 

Leonie’s varied career across 30 years in the not for profit and associations sector has included CEO, program and contract management, communications and marketing, and training and leadership development work. Formerly the NSW Division President of the Career Development Association of Australia (2017&18) and current CDAA National Executive Member, Leonie has a Masters Degree in Career Development, a Graduate Certificate in Online Learning, and a Bachelor of Social Work. She runs her own career coaching consultancy and is a service provider for the Australian Institute of Sport Career Practitioner Referral Network, working with high performance athletes, coaches and well being staff.
