National Apprentice Employment Network 'Growing Futures'

This artwork ‘Growing Futures” depicts the partnership between the National Apprentice Employment Network (NAEN) and member Group Training Organisations (GTOs), with their shared commitment to employing and supporting apprentices and trainees. 

At the heart of the artwork, the central circle symbolises NAEN as the peak body representing the national network of GTOs, and Australia’s largest employer network of apprentices and trainees. 

Branching off NAEN are eight circles representing Australia’s states and territories where GTOs operate. 

The GTOs that directly employ apprentices and trainees and place them with host businesses are represented by the symbol with outer white lines which reflects the many employment opportunities they provide to job seekers. 

The footprints represent the Indigenous apprentices and trainees coming from their communities to embark on their employment journey – along the dotted pathway. The four dotted lines represent each year of an apprenticeship or traineeship. 

Together NAEN, the GTOs and the host businesses are playing a vital role in “Growing Futures”.
