AWSA Summer School 2024

Margo Asimus

Nurse Practitioner

Margo Asimus made history in 2004 by becoming one of the first authorised Nurse Practitioners in Wound Management in Australia. Throughout her career, she has worked predominantly in public hospitals and community health services in NSW. In 2016, Margo ventured into private practice and established Skin & Wound Care Consultancy, which offers advanced wound management services. With over three decades of experience in the area of wound management, Margo has been recognised with national awards, presented at numerous events across Australia and internationally, authored publications, and held leadership roles, including the past presidency of the Hunter, NSW, and Wounds Australia. She has also received life memberships for these organisations. 

More recently, Margo has been committed to empowering clinicians and personal care assistants to become more confident in skin & wound care through accessible online training. In 2020, she launched Wound Education, a platform allowing participants to access unique practical skills-based training.