Pain Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine Physician, Alfred Health
Associate Professor Carolyn Arnold is a Pain Medicine physician. She is Head of Pain Management at Alfred Health, a large health service in Melbourne, where she works in acute and chronic pain services (inpatients and ambulatory services). She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne.Carolyn has held leadership positions in the Australian Pain Society and the Faculty of Pain Medicine of ANZCA where she is currently on the Research Committee. She is a member of the CMAC committee for ePPOC (persistent pain outcome collaborative) at the University of Wollongong. Carolyn enjoys teaching, and participating in clinical research. In her work she has contributed to the development of Pain Medicine as a specialty in Australia and New Zealand, to the understanding the complex biopsychosocial impacts and nature of persistent pain, to evidence based practice, and a mentor and advocate for multifaceted approaches to pain conditions.