Ken McMaster (MSW (Hons), MINT, ANZASW, NZATD, ADVIP, ICPA) – Ken has over forty years’ experience working at the cutting edge of intervention work with men who use violence within their families. He is known for his innovative practice ideas and the ability to translate theory into practice.
He has held positions as a member and Chair of the Family Violence Advisory Committee/ Te Rangai Whiriwhiri Tukinotanga a-Whānau. He was also a founding member of the National Network of Stopping Violence Services/Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Putanga and is a past chair. Ken was a member of the regulations working group for the Domestic Violence Act (1995). In addition, he has worked as a part-time lecturer in Social Work at Canterbury University and is now involved full-time with HMA as manager, writer of materials and principal trainer.
Ken McMaster has published two books on Domestic Violence – A Private Affair, GP Books: Wellington (1989) and Feeling Angry, Playing Fair, Reed: Auckland, (1988). He has co-edited a book with Arthur Wells titled Innovative Approaches to Stopping Family Violence, Steele Roberts: Wellington (2003), and with Leon Bakker titled Will they do it again: Assessing and managing risk, HMA Books: Christchurch (2006). In 2011 Ken co-edited with David Riley Effective Interventions with Offenders, Steele Roberts: Wellington (2011).