Justine Dodds

Respect UK

Spotlight: Child and Adolescence to Parent Violence and Abuse and the Respect Young People’s Program

Justine Dodds is Practice Development Lead for Respect, a national domestic abuse organisation in the United Kingdom. She has been working with CAPVA (child/adolescent to parent violence and abuse) since 2016 when she began delivering the Respect Young People’s Programmes (RYPP) to young people and their families as part of a Youth Justice prevention team. 

Her current role at Respect involves training and supervising professionals to deliver the RYPP as well as training professionals in relevant associated professions to recognise and respond appropriately to CAPVA. She also develops resources to help practitioners assess, manage, and intervene in teenage relationship abuse. 

Prior to working with Respect, she was a qualified Probation Officer with management experience in Youth Justice and Domestic Abuse. Her passion for facilitating positive change in others began some 18 years ago when she first began delivering accredited programmes for the Probation Service in 2004.
