Jane cay

Founder and CEO, Birdsnest


Jane Cay is the founder and CEO of birdsnest, an online fashion business based in regional NSW that employs over 140 locals in a town of 6,500. The birdsnest story is a fun one, and should give hope to many small, independent businesses out there trying to adapt to this global and technology led world. It was 2008 when this country town retail store went online, fast forward thirteen years and the business has grown 30 times bigger, with 95% of its revenue relying on the digital economy. They have clocked up over 1 million parcels leaving their nest, all accompanied with a handwritten note to their customer.

Birdsnest’s success has been built on exceptional customer service and innovation, fields in which they have been highly recognised and awarded for in the industry. Jane is passionate about cultivating a workplace that has people moving from the city to the country to experience.

Jane has been a board member on Jobs for NSW and prior to this she was a founding board member of the National Online Retailers Association. The best bit is Jane gets to live in the slow lane, and work in the fast lane. Her home, where she lives with her sheep farmer and three children, is a 130km round trip for a litre of milk.

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