Mandy Donley
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Mandy Donley is a mental Health Nurse working as the Victorian Senior Practitioner to reduce and eliminate the use of restrictive practices in Disability Services. Mandy trained in a 1000 bed institution in the Northeast of England and has been advocating for least restrictive practice ever since. Mandy moved to Australia in 1997 and started work at the Victorian institute of Forensic Mental Health. In 2007 Mandy moved to work with Jeffrey Chan the inaugural Senior Practitioner in Victoria to address the issue of chemical restraint in Disability Services. Mandy has worked as the inaugural Principal Practice Leader -Education Principal Practice Leader -Education, as part of the Special Needs Plan for Victorian Schools. Also, in 2018 Mandy became the inaugural Senior Practitioner, ACT. This included oversight of restrictive practice in Schools, Disability Services and Child Protection.
In 2021, in collaboration with Imperial College London, Mandy launched #stompoz